Take the Insanity Asylum Challenge with me!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

This Week's Challenges

It's February, y'all! Who has fallen off the New Year's Resolution wagon? If you have, no worries! Write down your goals, again. Put them somewhere you can see them daily. I challenge you to keep going - don't quit when you've just begun. A lot can happen in a year! You still have 11 months to make healthy changes.

Also, I know everyone probably ate pretty unhealthy stuff tonight/last night. It's the Super Bowl. Everything is bacon wrapped and delicious. Doesn't mean you ruined your diet! Just means your cheat day has disappeared for the week. :)

Here's are your challenges for the week:

a) Write down your food and water intake

Join My Fitness Pal. There is an app for both the iphone and ipad, and a website. {The app is free.} The more conscientious you are about what you are putting in your mouth, plus the fact that you have to log it or write it down and look at it for the rest of the day = a really good chance you'll be choosing better, healthier choices. 

b) Exercise daily

It's all about developing consistency. Exercise should be a habit. It should be something you look forward to doing each day, whether it's a quick 10 minute workout, a long run, walking the dog (briskly, of course), or doing 100 burpees for time. I don't care what you do! Do something. :) You won't regret it. I guarantee it.

c) Don't weigh yourself until Sunday morning

After tracking your food, exercise, and (hopefully) having a health-focused week, I think you'll be happy with the results. Even if you only lose a pound, it'll keep you wanting to do more!

Monday Challenge:

Happy Monday! :)

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