Take the Insanity Asylum Challenge with me!

My Journey

Hello, hello friends. :) Glad you're here.

We're all on our own journey. Life is a journey. Achieving optimal health and fitness is a journey, a lifestyle, a habit. I'm on this journey, too. I've had my share of unhealthy eating. I've gone through phases of being unfit. It's a challenge. But, guess what? We can tackle this challenge together. That's why I'm here.

About me: I'm a West Texas born and raised, not-so-cowgirl, lover of all things Jesus, family, fitness, and nutrition. I received a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (health & fitness) from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, TX. (Yay, Horned Frogs.)

I have a wonderful family. So blessed.
I have an amazing, loving husband.
I have the best, cutest, sweetest dog on the entire planet.
I have been an athlete my entire life.
I love basketball, competing in anything, running, and working out in general.
I love helping people with their health and fitness goals.
I love fruit salad. Nom.
I love broccoli. Weird? No.
I love dessert. Ask anyone.
I love happy music. [Enjoy the jams at the bottom of the home page.]
Fruit infused water is amazing.
I have run 2 half marathons. Training for my third.
Irony: I HATED cross country in high school. And that was only 2 miles.

Pet Peeve: childhood obesity. (my insides churn at the thought)
My Solution: Teaching kids to love exercise at an early age, keeping them active, limiting lazy activities like time watching TV, on the computer, iPad, video games, cell phones, etc. I didn't have these things growing up, and I turned out just fine! I hate to see kids spending countless hours on technological devices. Exercise is fun, especially when you're a kid. Kids have so much energy (and so should adults). Play with your kids! Take them to the gym, the park, the backyard. Sunshine is good anytime of the year.

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