It goes without saying that beauty emanates from the inside and the outside. When you have inner beauty, it radiates out of you. It touches people. And it accentuates your outer beauty. Some think it's the opposite - that you have to be perfect on the outside before you can focus on your inner beauty. I think that's sad. Think about when you were a child - how innocent and adorable you were. How you didn't care what you looked like. You could put on any clothing item and feel like a princess! So, what happens between then and now? Why do we put on any and every cosmetic item, undergo surgeries, and criticize every inch of our body to the point of breaking ourselves down into something that constantly needs to be fixed?
Inner Beauty
But, the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Galations 5:22-23Read that again. I just love that verse, because it's everything that I want to be on a daily basis. And, how many times are we totally impatient or unloving or unkind? This is something I seriously have to pray about all the time, multiple times per day.
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30Stop searching for perfection on the outside, and search for Jesus. He is the only person that will ever see you for exactly who you are. He already knows you. God MADE you. And, he thinks you're beautiful. Get to know him. Find fulfillment in Him.
Outer Beauty
After all of that, you're probably thinking.. really? You're a Mary Kay beauty consultant? Really, Cameron? Hey! Nobody's perfect. I do love make-up and skincare.Let me just share several things that I absolutely love about Mary Kay, the company. I think you'll understand.
a) Mary Kay Ash, the founder of this company, was an incredible woman. A Christian woman. And, she built her business on Christian principles.
b) Mary Kay also built this business on integrity and The Golden Rule: love your neighbor as yourself. If you've ever been in a room full of Mary Kay women, you've never been more complimented, loved, embraced, or accepted by a group of strangers in your entire life! It is absolutely refreshing. I can't even explain it. Mary Kay women are just the sweetest. Inner beauty emanates from these women.
c) Mary Kay also built this company on the principle of "God first, family second, career third." FINALLY!! A business that aligns with my priorities. How often do you hear this, anymore? How many businesses do you know of that focus on God FIRST?
d) All of this, while selling amazing cosmetic and skincare products. Sounds good to me!
So, with that said, I will be sharing some of my favorite Mary Kay products. I wish I had before and after pictures of my skin, because the transformation is unreal. It really is. My skin is clearer than it EVER has been. It is smoother than it ever has been. And, I'm spending less than I ever have on cosmetic and skincare products. Pretty good deal, y'all! I'll share my secrets with you soon, promise!
Until then, if you'd like to read more about Mary Kay Ash and the company, go here.
If you'd like to shop or browse products, I've put a handy dandy link at the top of the page, or you can click here.
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